Sunday, April 20, 2008

Goals, shmoals

So the last couple months have been pretty sedentary ones - I haven't had a gym class and have been quite lazy! My friend Alisa at Treehouse was telling me about this running plan which is for people who are really inactive and gets them to be able to jog 3 miles in 8 weeks. Because I want to be able to be in better shape for healthy reasons and because I will be starting school in two months and want to be able to walk around campus w/o running out of breath, I have decided to give this a try. Now, in my past I have been known to start something, do it for a week or two, and then quit. This is especially true with diet & exercise. Therefore, I am putting this out to the people that read my blog (So pretty much you Lori :) ), and making myself be accountable. My plan is to go to bed before 10:00 pm so I can wake up at 5:30 and go to the gym Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week for the next two months! Hopefully after that I will be in the habit and will want to wake up and run 3 miles ( because by that time in the plan I should be able to, lol) 3 times a week. So yay goals!


Lori said...

rock on sister! you can totally come to gold's with us on Mondays and Fridays if you want. and i'll totally come and run with you, just name the time and place.

way to go!

The Larsen's said...

Sounds GREAT Emmy! We know you can do it!

Lori said...

what's the update, sis? how's it going?